Saturday, 3 January 2009

'two roads converge and i - i took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference'

understanding the broken hearts all around me is far too heavy to worry of my own broken pieces. For i will invite myself to pick them up with others. People who live and work together, bleed together, suffer together are always celebrating their lives together. For this gave the name solidarity to human kind. Poor word brings me to see that they are now gone from one another.

To what we owe a world that is only to reason with triumph and terror. The humbleness of one trampled by the arrogance of another. For five days i took stay with the Wangpon and Ponphai-Kwanchang family what to be said about the fondness i have of them is more than mere fondness, it is love. The love of 5 months of dynamic building. i am completly amused by the children's ability to concentrate on their studies. We sat together all day surrounded by books, pencils, papers, and crafts. They asked me to teach them, they asked how to learn, and we did these things together - i miss this and will wait eagerly for my return.

Inquiry: There is an amazing group of young folk in Ubon Ratchatani beginning a youth learning center. Their goal is to help the youth to learn about the culture and environment of the Mun and Mekong Rivers through teaching eachother, and being able to sustain a livelihood in Isaan, rather than leaving their family to work in Bangkok. Lets do what we can to respect and protect one another. For more information about their project please contact me. Thanks!