Friday 5 December 2008

The best way to be happy is to make other people happy

everyone has the power to share things
we find the willingness to share
to move from the shadows of competition
power with
the spirit of humanity
sit closer to the Earth
she is beautiful
this we know for sure
she needs a friend
if we work together we can make a change,
yes this has been said but has it been done?
just ask the native they will tell the stories
of before
when they say, what did we do out there?
will we have something to say?

Thursday 4 December 2008

Whoever told you there wasn't a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, should have told you that gold isn't only a precious yellow metal, but also a source of life.

Mae Nam Kong, Mekong River, from Thailand looking over to Lao

Saturday 15 November 2008

she packed her bags

There she is standing at a cross roads, not ready to move forward and unsure of why she can’t understand her past. She packed her bag again to visit the river, the same feeling she once felt as she packed her bags to lay on the beach. In both places, she contemplates life, her choices, people with out choices, and the right to make a choice. At the river she feels connected to a woman’s shadows, which have cast disabled movement and a conscious understanding. This understanding daily redeems her static book knowledge, yet how does she move cast in stone by the freedom of her past, she begins to wonder if it really was ever freedom. By 8 years old sneaking a razor to shave her legs and trim her eyebrows like the magazines. Tanning booths and fake nails what led her to believe this was important? She led herself there. Was it a choice? Yes, she knew the critiques she knew the risks. How come now she realizes these acts were masking her true femininity. Is there a chance for redemption in her life, and must she wait for the next? There she is standing at a cross roads, not ready to move forward and unsure of why she can’t understand her past. She packed her bag again to visit the river, the same feeling she once felt as she packed her bags to lay on the beach. In both places, she contemplates life, her choices, people with out choices, and the right to make a choice. This woman that is intriguing her is gone now and she never knew the woman – although – she feels her, she cries over her death – she cries on the spirit of her breast. The breast that took the woman’s life. She thinks about the injustices of bankruptcy and criminal behavior of capitalism, but mostly its the symptoms of greed and disillusion – she shares this with the woman too. What is the woman calling her to do? She feels disillusioned – her family is always with her and yet they keep calling her to come home. The smell of her powder is like her grandmother’s and at that moment she prays to her to guide her through this time. There she is standing at a cross roads, not ready to move forward and unsure of why she can’t understand her past. She packed her bag again to visit the river, the same feeling she once felt as she packed her bags to lay on the beach. In both places, she contemplates life, her choices, people with out choices, and the right to make a choice. She is always waiting for someone to tell her what to do. She says it is the universe she is waiting on, and it is possible it is the universe waiting on her. While waiting, she works till her brain has gone numb and the only thing holding her up is her heart. In love with all that she sees seeking redemption for the bad and the good, she tries to understand the world is more than black and white. For there are days when she sees the sun and calls it a cloud and sees clouds and calls them the sun. Lost in love for her family she cries to home for others to interpret her weather – their moon is coming out while her sun is coming up. Her only luck is their love. There she is standing at a cross roads, not ready to move forward and unsure of why she can’t understand her past. She packed her bag again to visit the river, the same feeling she once felt as she packed her bags to lay on the beach. In both places, she contemplates life, her choices, people with out choices, and the right to make a choice.
I love you.

harmony needed

River is song
set your soul free
to live
the River villagers
protect she
no spy
can defeat
the defeated
who surrendered to nature long ago
sing to your child
sing to your Mother
in water She carried
you to shackles
in Her womb
once surrendered
you will be set free